The Village tub laundry delivery service is very convenient and has made my home life much happier. We both work and laundry was always a chore with two boys. I would highly recommend the service.
Laundromat Services in Niles, MI
Looking for a clean place to do your laundry with a wide variety of equipment? The Village Tub is the largest self-service laundromat near the state line and offers a wide variety of laundromat services. With 95 washers and dryers, ranging from 1-load to 8-load machines, you will be able to get your laundry done quickly and efficiently. We are always staffed with a customer service attendant who is available to answer your questions and address any of your concerns. We know that most people don't actually enjoy doing laundry, so we've tried to create a positive environment for our customers to relax in.

List of Amenities
- Satellite TV
- Soap Vending Machine
- Beverage Vending Machine
- Snack Vending Machine
- Arcade Games